Racial Equity
Racial equity outcomes, not racial diversity goals, should drive transit-oriented development planning.
Spring 2012 - Racial Equity: New Cornerstone of Transit-Oriented Development was an article published in the Spring 2012 issue of Race, Poverty, & the Environment, the leading national journal for social and racial justice research. Our featured article focuses on highlights from our report Transit-Oriented Development That’s Healthy, Green, & Just.
We make the case that to achieve true sustainability and realize the full investment of light rail, the conventional focus of Transit Oriented Development must be replaced with community led and inspired development and put at its center economic opportunity and good jobs.
Puget Sound Sage has put forth a five-point framework that leads our TOD work, which included a community lead agenda at the Regional Equity Summit in the fall of 2013 and a focus on winning targeted local jobs that are accessible around TOD. People should be able to live where they work, which means not only having access to good jobs in their city, but in keeping that city a place where they can afford to live.