We believe communities most impacted by key policy changes will have the answers to the most pressing problems facing our region.
Over the years, we have found that our most accountable and best work is done when there is a deep sense of trust between us and community-based organizations on what they need to thrive. We honor and value the solutions of communities most impacted and create a truly collaborative process for community voices to be centered by resourcing organizations and leaders with research, capacity building, and technical skills needed to drive transformative policy work.
Our Approach
We utilize community-based participatory research to center community needs and identify community-led policy solutions. We disseminate this research through research reports, blog posts, policy briefs, and forums.
Good Jobs
People of color, people with low-incomes, immigrants and refugees are impacted first and worst by exploitation, climate change, poor air quality, rising cost of basic needs, and a lack of access to good jobs.
Equitable Development
Our equitable development program advances policies that support compact, high-density development and affordable housing along transit corridors to prevent displacement, which is core to healthy, climate-resilient communities.
Healthy Environment
Addressing existing vulnerabilities while also fundamentally shifting the approach that local, regional and state governments take to addressing climate change to an equity-first approach.