Advocating for the dignity and respect of all workers.

Regions where all families have access to good jobs and health care are stronger regions. They sustain vibrant and diverse communities. They foster true democracy and justice. They attract investment and business. The rising economic tide has been strong in the Puget Sound Region over the last decade, but not all boats have been lifted. We believe that lifting all boats is critical to both economic justice and economic growth.

Puget Sound Sage is helping build a stronger economy by supporting workplace policies and strategies that create better jobs and health care for all workers. These include:

  • Living wages
  • Affordable, quality health care for all families
  • Access to good jobs for low-income communities and people of color historically left out of economic prosperity
  • Ending discrimination and exploitation of immigrant workers
  • Supporting the fundamental right of workers to organize

Program Successes

Labor Standards Enforcement

Following adoption of Seattle's minimum wage ordinance, the $15 for Seattle coalition pivoted to win resources for new Office of Labor Standards, as well as outreach and education.

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Airport Worker Justice

Ensuring all airport jobs are good jobs, where workers are able to have a voice on the job to advocate for their pay, safer working conditions and job security.

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$15 for Seattle

In June 2014, Seattle approved a historic minimum wage ordinance, following advocacy by Sage and many other local organizations in the $15 for Seattle coalition.

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SeaTac Living Wage

In November 2013, voters in the City of SeaTac approved a bellwether living wage initiative in the regional and national movement for economic equity.

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Priority Hire

Sage partnered with Got Green in the Targeted Local Hire coalition to win Priority Hire in January 2015, a landmark city-wide jobs policy ensuring local construction jobs reach all of our communities.

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Paid Sick & Safe Time

Ensuring employees working in the City of Seattle are provided with the sick leave they need to take care of their health and safety needs without the risk of losing a day’s wages or even their job.

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Green Jobs

As a co-founder of Emerald Cities Seattle, Sage won several key agreements to promote energy efficiency retrofits as a means of creating quality green job opportunities for workers traditionally left out of construction jobs.

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Hotel Workers Rising

In 2007, downtown hotel workers signed a historic agreement with the Westin Hotel due to the work of Sage, Unite Here Local 8 and the entire Hotel Workers Rising campaign.

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